of its positioning at the very end of the Bible, a large segment of Christendom consider that this threat in the Book of Revelations is applicable to the whole of the Bible. Knowing that, we should not be surprised if such people automatically recoil from any suggestion of a new revelation.

    The Urantia Book makes it clear that an Epochal| Revelation is not necessarily a divine, infallible revelation. It appears that only the Creators themselves can know for certain just what parts of any revelation are infallible. However, we must recognize that the revelatory status of The Urantia Book is both limited and urgently needful of explanation if we hope for widespread acceptance of the book itself among Christians.

    The book says: "There was just one motive in Jesus' postbaptismal life on Urantia, and that was a better and truer revelation of his Paradise Father." (1543)

    Further along in the book, a second great motive was included--to lead men to become son-conscious, to faith-realize that they are the children of the Most High. (1578) These original motives have come close to being lost. Christianity has corrupted Jesus' primary aim by confusing his revelation of the Paradise Father with Old Testament images of Yahweh. Jesus' secondary aim has also been subverted by downgrading the concept of sonship to that of faithful servant.

    If these two primary motives can be restored in the pure form as Jesus revealed them, I believe that the major errors of Christianity will melt away. One contemporary theologian has sown a potentially fertile seed that may bear much fruit by asserting that for Jesus, reality was a gracious and compassionate God.1 However, the profundity of that statement is not likely to reach the grass roots level for a very long time unless it is wrapped in a more digestible package. It also needs the addition of the "Father" concept of God so consistently emphasized in The Urantia Book.

    If promoted sufficiently, these two simple concepts are capable of breaking down the fundamentalist attitude to scripture, the so-called divine dictation theory according to which God alone is responsible for the content of the Bible. This theory has long since been rejected in the seminaries that train the clergy, also by Popes Benedict XV and Pius Xll, and by the Second Vatican Council. However it remains as firmly implanted as ever at the grass roots level. A direct attack on the Bible will not work. But when people have a true concept of God as a gracious, compassionate, and loving heavenly Father established in their minds, they will realize that the divine dictation theory, along with other serious error, is untenable.

    The Urantia Book contains the necessary information, but experience has surely shown that the book alone cannot achieve the task. Secondary works are needed. The book itself tells us this when it states that "the dead theory of even the highest religious doctrines is powerless to transform us." (380). The Urantia Book is the highest religious doctrine available on this planet and it admits its own powerlessness! So let's introspect and if we have been riding high, dismount, and rejoin the world.

    We also need to carefully explain the meaning of revelation as it relates to The Urantia Book so that people will. be enabled to discard their fear. Only then will they study the book with unprejudiced minds that will permit them to discover for themselves whatever new truth they can find therein.

    But that is only one of the necessary steps. Having rejoined the world, we must face reality. Our present times have been dubbed "
the post-literate age." The vast majority of people are virtually incapable of studying a 2000--page book such as The Urantia Book. But they are God's children, our brothers and sisters. It is our unavoidable responsibility to bring them the teachings of Jesus in digestible chunks and in forms that will be seen, heard, and heeded. The Urantia  Book cannot perform this task. It was never meant to do so. And that is why you and I have it. In conclusion, and in confirmation of some of what has been said, here is advice that Jesus gave:

    "You cannot teach the deep things of the spirit to those who have been born only of the flesh; first see that men are born of the spirit before you seek to instruct them in the advanced ways of the spirit. Do not undertake to show men the beauties of the temple until you have first taken them into the temple. Introduce men to God and as the sons of God." (1592)

    Let first things come first.


1. Borg, Marcus J. (1987) "Jesus: A New Vision." (Harper SanFrancisco)

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