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MARCH 1980

To: General Councilors, Society Presidents, and Field Representatives

International Fellowship Committee Chairman Martin Myers reported on a meeting of his committee to which Marvin Gawryn, Charles Montgomery, and Jacques Tetrault were invited. Their time was spent discussing projects which included placement of books in international libraries, translations, formation of study groups, and possibilities for visiting their home countries as well as having them visit Chicago.

As you recall, invitations were sent out concerning this summer's workshops planned by several of the standing committees. As of this time, 191 requests for registration information have been received. It appears that everyone who wishes to attend will be able to. Registration information will be mailed the end of April.

I received a letter from Arthur C. Born resigning as chairman and as a member of the Finance Committee. We regret losing Art's personal counsel, and as a token of our appreciation, the following resolution was passed:

WHEREAS Arthur C. Born faithfully served on the Charter Committee from 1962 to 1968, and discharged the office of Chairman of the Finance Committee of Urantia Brotherhood since 1968, and

WHEREAS, because of his spirit of sincerity and wholehearted enthusiasm, he has made many contributions to the program of his committee and of the Executive Committee:

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: that we express our sincere regret that we lose him as a member of the Executive Committee,

and That we express our appreciation of his years of labor, which shall be long remembered, and

That we declare our abiding friendship and best wishes for his happiness and success in the causes to which we are all dedicated.

As I mentioned in last month's letter, Frank Sgaraglino was appointed to fill the vacancy. It was good to have him at our meeting.

The installation of the Rocky Mountain Urantia Society of Denver on February 6 was a festive occasion. The 17 founders and 16 charter members, their families, and guests shared in the occasion. Members of the Executive Committee also attended. Those present from the Charter Committee were Dave Elders, Chairman, along with members Irene Sprunger, Mary Lou Hales, Ticky Harries, and David Renn. Also attending the ceremonies were Lynne Kulieke, Barbara Kulieke, and Martin Myers.

(Please note that only the President and Charter Committee Chairman had their expenses paid for. All the others used their own hard-earned funds for which I wish to personally thank them.) Other out-of-towners were Julia Fenderson and Berkeley Elliott.

Our speeches were kept to a minimum, which allowed a good deal of time for fellowhip with new members, their families, and friends. The new society's officers, to be officially elected at their first business meeting, are:

Mr. James McNelly, President

Dr. Paul Knott, Vice-President

Mrs. Marilyn Hauck, Secretary

Mr. John Hay, Treasurer

We have become aware that some societies wish to clear their membership rolls of distant members who cannot actively participate by asking them to resign and request membership-at-large from the Brotherhood. This creates a rather interesting problem, in that the Executive Committee does not encourage membership-at-large since our constitution is based on a federal-type association of member societies. Our constitution mentions that membership-at-large is "In exceptional cases..." We are fully appreciative of the societies' problem with a growing number of their members becoming inactive due to moving away from the society location. I am asking all of you who have some advice to offer in resolving this problem to please write to me.

Upon the recommendation of Charles Burton, Chairman, Special Projects Committee, Miss Laura Hauck has been appointed to fill the vacant one year term on the committee until the next meeting of the General Council.

The following were accepted as members-at-large in Urantia Brotherhood: Mr. William Sherwood and Mrs. Corlin Renn Sherwood of Alameda, New Mexico; Mrs. Marley Stevens Ross of Montrose, Pennsylvania.

A group of Urantia Book students will be traveling to the Holy Land the week prior to Easter, a special time and opportunity to recall the life the Master lived. While they are a few among millions who travel to this earthly shrine, I venture to guess they are the first mortal tour group in possession of so much knowledge of our elder brother's activities in his material homeland. I look forward to hearing the tales of their travels.

As winter gives way to spring, I hope our thoughts and activities will also be refreshed and revitalized and provide us with the energy to seize new opportunities to be in harmony with the Father's way.

In Fellowship,

John W. Hales, President

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A Service of
The Fellowship for Readers of The Urantia Book