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To: General Councilors, Society Presidents, and Field Representatives


The Judicial Committee Chairman, Duane Faw, reported that the Houston Society had not returned the signed Licensing Agreement and a notice will be sent to all society members announcing a hearing to be held February 1, 1980 in Chicago to show cause why the charter of the Houston Society should not be revoked. It is with sincere regret that this action is.taken.

As requested by the General Council, the Executive Committee is examining various methods by which newly elected Councilors would attend their first Council meeting as observers, taking office some time following the meeting. In addition, the question of obtaining a quorum by telecommunication for departmental committee meetings is under study.

The Rocky Mountain Urantia Society of Denver has set the date, February 16, 1980 for their installation ceremony. Those of us planning to attend the installation look forward to welcoming this group as the thirteenth active society.

Julia Fenderson sent a report on her recent workshops, "Marriage and Family," which she, with the aid of Chick Montgomery, conducted in Portland and Corvallis, Oregon. The young people attending were most receptive to this subject since they either have or plan to have children. Upon invitation from a study group in San Diego, she and Chick will again conduct these workshops in December.

The.Executive Committee received a letter from James C. Mills stating he wishes to resign as a Field Representative, effective December 31, 1979. Jim has been very active pursuing a masters degree and he plans to enter a program leading to either another masters or doctoral degree. This will involve at least two years of concentrated study. With this commitment, he feels he will not have adequate time for Field Representative work. I feel I can speak for.the rest of the Committee in saying we regretfully a.ccept his resignation. Although he will no longer serve in his former capacity, I know he can always be called upon to be of service in our mutual interests. Our heartfelt thanks to him for his years of service as a Field Representative. We wish him well in his "progressive comprehension of reality."

The proposed budget for $89,660.00 for 1980 was discussed in detail and with some adjustments was adopted. For your information, a copy is attached.

The Education, Fraternal Relations, Domestic Extension, International Fellowship, and Special Projects Committees are planning to hold workshops the week of August 4 through 8, .1980. These workshops are similar to those conducted last summer at Lake Forest Academy. These workshops can accommodate only 240 due to space limitations. There are differing opinions expressed by Executive Committee members as to the plan of limiting the attendance to the workshops and the method by which individuals are invited to participate. We failed to fully realize that there would be hurt feelings on the part of some who were not "chosen" to attend last summer's workshops. To attempt to deal with these issues, a letter will be mailed soon to our general mailing list which explains the intended purpose of workshops versus a general conference. As is so often the case, we face decisions that require compromise between the ideal and the practical.

Councilors please note that the date of the next Regular Meeting of the General Council is set for Saturday, August 9, 1980.

I am happy to announce that Mrs. Judy Nyland, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, is now a member-at-large of Urantia Brotherhood.

As we enter the traditional season for celebrating Jesus' birthday, let us not be diverted from its true the confused and contradictory entanglements of individuals and nations -- material reality. May we experience the refreshing inspiration provided for us by our Creator Son who lived such a life of noble service to his sons and daughters --spiritual reality.

In Peace and Fellowship,

John Hales




A Service of
The Fellowship for Readers of The Urantia Book