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July 15th, 1960

Registration for enrollment in the Urantia Brotherhood School will be held at 533 Diversey Parkway on Sept. 21, 1960, at 8 P.M. The course in Science in the Urantia Book (major) will be continued by Alvin Kukieke. Topical Studies (major) will be conducted by Dr. Sadler. Fees will be the same as last year. Commencement exercises will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 28, at 7:30 P.M. and classes will start immediately thereafter.

About 125 Urantians and their friends enjoyed the 35th annual picnic at Dr. Sadler's lodge in the Indiana Sand Dunes on June 25. Doctor's 85th birthday having been the day before,he was presented with two lovely porch chairs and a purse.

Don't forget the next important date, August 21st, on which day at 8:00 P.M. Jesus' birthday will be celebrated at 533 Diversey Parkway.

On May 20th, Marjorie Bates and Marian Rowley drove to Springfield, Illionois, to attend a meeting of the study group which was organized by Miss Florence Emery. After a buffet supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Myers, a session of questions and answers extended until late in the evening. This is a very sincere and loyal study group. It was a most enjoyable evening and beneficial both to the Springfield hosts and the Chicago visitors.

On that same weekend, Robert Burton visited a study group of ministers at South Bend, Indiana, and reported a most interesting time.

Mrs. Anna B. Kellogg and Dr. James T. Case, recently deceased, left bequests for the Urantia Foundation.

Dr. Meredith Sprunger, Field Representative, has been invited and is planning to visit the First Urantia Society of Oklahoma City on September 12th. they are working out a program of three sessions for the day, on various topics, questions, and answers, etc., and it sounds as if it will be extrememly interesting and enjoyable.

Mrs. Mills and I plan to be in Los Angeles from August 12th to 16th. We hope this will provide an opportunity to visit with members of the West Coast Urantia Society.

The Second Urantia Society of Chicago, having recently been installed, has started its meetings. Although this Society is having fewer meetings during the year than the other Societies , they are planning longer sessions. We will have more to report from them in the next newsletter.

The First Urantia Society had a very fine program last year; however it is making a survey to see how it can be improved and its program will be announced in the next newsletter.

The West Coast Urantia Society is continuing its study group meetings through the summer and the program which allows each members active participation, sounds very interesting. At its recent annual meeting they elected the following officers: President - Mrs. Marie Culbertson; Vice-President - Mrs. Helen Steen; Secretary - Mrs. Julia Fenderson; Treasurer - Miss Winona Jewell.

Other newly elected officers are as follows:

First Urantia Society (Chicago): President - Dr. William S. Sadler, Jr.; Vice-President - Mrs. Ruth Burton; Treasurer, A. H. Dyon; Secretary - Mrs. Donna Rowley.

Second Urantia Society of Chicago: President - William S. Sadler, Jr.; Vice-President - Mrs. Rita Klein; Treasurer - J. J. Seres; Secretary - Mrs. Florine S. Sadler.

Some interesting excerpts from letters and incidents are as follows:

"A dear friend introduced me to this most wonderful Urantia Book about three years ago and I have been studying it ever since. Words cannot express my deep gratitude for all the spiritual enlightenment it has given me. I could write pages of praise about its contents."

"I recently purchased a copy of the book Urantia, and I want to say that it is, by far, the most revealing volume I have had the good fortune to come across in more than fifty years of searching for the truth...Such knowledge, I feel, should be shared with those capable of receiving it, and I have in mind a number of people of my acquaintance who I believe would be glad to know about the book."

"The Urantia Book has meant so much in my life."

A member of a Los Angeles study group stopped one day in a bookstore to pick up another Urantia Book and made the comment to the clerk that they had better order more Urantia Books, as several of her friends wanted to buy them. A young man standing nearby overheard her, and said: "Please let me talk to someone who reads the Urantia Book as I bought one here and am interested." As a result, he was referred to the Secretary of the West Coast Urantia Society. So the ripples spread.

Please send in your news.

James C. Mills Vice-President



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The Urantia Book Fellowship