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October 19, 1963

The sixth commencement of the Urantia Brotherhood School was celebrated on Sept. 25. It was conducted by Dean Alvin Kulieke, and Dr. William S. Sadler, president of the school and chairman of the Committee on Education. On behalf of the three students, Al Dyon, Edith Cook and Marjorie Bates, who received Ordained Teacher degrees, Al Dyon gave a very delightful and inspirational speech of acceptance.

Immediately after graduation, classes of 1963-1964 started. Every Wednesday night Dr. Sadler will teach "Study of the Books of the Bible, Part II, New Testament," and Anne Rawson will conduct the study of "Urantia Book and the New Testament." These two text books are also available to you at $3.00 and $2.50, respectively.

We are very happy to welcome another member-at-large, Martin Myers, Newton, Kansas.

Officers of the Second Urantia Society of Chicago elected at their annual meeting are as follows: President, John J. Seres; Vice President, Patricia S. Mundelius; Secretary, William S. Sadler, Jr.; Treasurer, Florine S. Sadler; Asst. Secretary, Florine S. Sadler; Asst. Treasurer, William S. Sadler, Jr.

Since we know all of you will be interested in the success of the first Urantia Brotherhood summer study session, conducted by the Urantia Brotherhood School, following is the report of Dean Alvin Kulieke:

"Our first 'Summer Study Session' is over, and many of us still experience the glow of exhilaration and inspiration derived from the studies and from the friendly association with so many who met together because of a mutual interest in the teachings of the Urantia Book.

"Our purpose was to provide a concentrated period of study for all who wanted more enlightenment concerning this most recent Urantian revelation. For this first study session it was decided to attempt to cover most of the principal themes of the Urantia Book in a three-day period. It was expected that such a concentrated survey would help each one to develop a more unified perspective of the book and to see more clearly the relationships within the book.

"The first thirty-one papers, Part I of the Urantia Book, consumed all of the nine hours of the first day. Those were grouped into three presentations: the deities, cosmography, and a review of the personalities of the grand universe as grouped in the superuniverse register. Saturday morning was devoted to a study of Part II, the Local Universe. After lunch, much of Part III was presented in the Evolution and History of Urantia. Saturday evening the consecutive study of the book was interrupted for a social evening. This included discussions about the history of the Urantia movement and a speculative look into the future, fun, and socializing, including refreshments. On Sunday, our third day, there were two sessions. In the morning we had two presentations, one covering the history of religion on Urantia, while the other was a discussion concerning Thought Adjusters. The final study session ended on a high note in the session which consisted of a review of Part IV, the Life of Jesus.

"To those of us who helped plan this new venture, it was very gratifying to see over one hundred in attendance, coming from twelve states and representing five Urantia societies and many more study groups. It was helpful to many to realize that, even though they may be isolated from others interested in the Urantia Book, there were many like-minded friends in various parts of the country, who are quietly spreading these teachings by the lives they lead and by the many direct personal contacts they make. It became apparent to all that, though the growth of the Urantian movement may be relatively slow, the influence of the book continues to become more and more widespread.

"Perhaps the most effective way to portray to those who were not present the spirit that prevailed and the tone of the study session is to present the keynote speech of our Urantia Brotherhood president, Miss E.L. Christensen:

'In our great mission of promulgating the Urantia Book we have been called soldiers of the circles. To me that is a delightful designation. We have also been called mortal selectmen, torchbearers, the salt of the Urantia Revelation, a pioneer group, trailblazers. We have been summoned to offer a new light to a frustrated church and a distracted world. To be effective in our work, we must not be lured into attractive by-ways.

'The Urantia Book has given us a new thoroughfare to travel; an illuminated thoroughfare, plainly marked from Urantia to Paradise. Jesus referred to this as the new and living way from man to God, from time to eternity. How are we traveling this thoroughfare? Are we following Jesus' leading? His teachings were fresh and vital. He was always appearing before the religious interpreters of his time, breaking new ground and announcing new insights into life and truth. The people of the world have too long conformed to the creeds and interpretations and forms which earlier times have created and transmitted. We are carrying a heavy load of ancient and dead conceptions. We have been traveling on worn-out highways. The time has come, it is long overdue, for a religion that is fresh and vital and in conformity with established truths. We are privileged to have such a religion. But first, we must become good pilots. We cannot say that we have a religion unless our acts make us worthy of the truths which we espouse.

'If we would lead souls along this illuminated thoroughfare to which we have access, it is important that we first show our fellow men that we are friends of God, true religionists, and worthy to bring our road companions into the Father's service. So that we may become excellent torchbearers, let us diligently study the road signs so clearly given in the Urantia Book in order that we may illuminate the path along which we ask our friends to travel. What a transcendent privilege is ours. Do we fully realize the importance of our mission? The Urantia Book was written to save souls. It is essentially a religious document.

'Let us all become valiant soldiers of the circles, stepping forward with zeal and devotion on the beautiful thoroughfare which the Urantia Revelation has provided us.

'But remember: religion is not a book -- not even the Urantia Book. Religion is a way of living.'"

James C. Mills


A Service of
The Fellowship for Readers of The Urantia Book