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Resignation letter of S. F.

August 31, 1989

Trustees of Urantia Foundation
533 Diversey Parkway
Chicago, IL 60614

Dear Trustees:

It is with sincere and deep regret that I hereby tender my resignation as an employee of Urantia Foundation. To provide some time for finding a replacement and to allow for transition of my work tasks and responsibilities, I propose that the effective date for this resignation be September 15, 1989.

It has been a most difficult task to write this letter. Its preparation means the end of eleven years of service with the Foundation. A significant portion of my life has been committed to the work of the Foundation and to end this association is not unlike ending a long-term personal relationship.

My decision to resign was not undertaken without long and prayerful consideration. The gestation of this decision is of some duration, going back some eight or nine years. Over the last five or six years I have contemplated on numerous occasions that the course of developments unfolding within the Foundation would require that I separate from its service. I did not resign at that time, because of a stubborn optimism born of the hope that new personnel among the Trustees would positively change the conduct and direction of the Foundation. However, by last fall it was becoming clear to me that no such change was likely to occur and I began again to actively contemplate leaving the Foundation's service. Now, with the resignation of three Trustees (my last hope for change within the Foundation), the declaration by the Executive Committee in its July 21st letter of the need for a healthy realignment in the nature of the relationship between the Brotherhood and the Foundation, and the call for a meeting of the General Council to consider the ramifications of these events and establish a course of action, my decision has been moved from the realm of the potential to the stage of action.

For some time now, for a period of eight or nine years, I have become increasingly concerned and uneasy about the course that the Foundation is following. The institutional processes of the Foundation have become, in my opinion, almost totally dominated by the character, outlook and actions of only one of its Trustees.

The capacity for open, fair and mutually respectful group decision-making within the Foundation seems to have significantly dissipated at the insistent challenge of the perspective that only one point of view should prevail because it is informed by a special "chosen" status. By my observation, when disagreement over matters has developed within the Foundation or with those outside of it, it often seems to be met by displays of anger, vituperation, suspicion and distrust. Increasingly, the Foundation has become a reactive organization and seems to lack the capacity to function proactively in the face of changing and developing circumstances. Rather than displaying positive leadership, the primary focus seems to be the exercise of control through threats or applications of legal authority and power. The developing result is isolation, non-communication and growing irrelevancy. There seems to be no enthusiasm or joy in anticipation of the possibilities and challenges of the future; rather there seems to be an abiding fear that just over the horizon there lurks failure for The Urantia Book and only by the application of control can the Foundation serve as a bulwark against it.

I appreciate that the views and concerns expresed above will probably be dismissed as invalid because they have been stated in general terms rather than specific. However, this is a letter of resignation and not a bill of indictment. It is a personal expression of why I can no longer serve the Foundation.

Working for the Foundation has been a mixed blessing, but I carry away with me many important experiences. During my time with the Foundation, I served to the best of my ability and was in the beginning, perhaps, even overzealous in some ways. It was a great pleasure to participate in the process of printing the book. But I most enjoyed working with the readers who contacted the office. In serving the readers it was often possible to be nurturing, encouraging and supportive. Out of some of my encounters, it is a pleasure to note, some very warm friendships have developed.

In the hope of continuing to work with readers, I will be offering my services and experience to Urantia Brotherhood. If the Brotherhood should choose to accept my offer, I continue to be available to assist central office and/or Foundation personnel with any of the tasks I was formerly involved with while a Foundation employee.

I feel that the 1990's will be a most important, even pivotal time for economic, political and spiritual change and development on the planet. While I perceive that The Urantia Book will continue to penetrate the thought stream of humanity in a largely unobserved manner, I believe the 1990's may well see a significant expansion of the availability of the book around the planet. With that expansion will come new demands for service, nurturing, encouragement and support. At this time, I feel Urantia Brotherhood is the organization better suited to meet this challenge and I plan to participate in its activities at whatever level circumstances allow. It would be helpful if the Foundation were able to participate also but unless significant changes in attitude, vision and role are made, I fear it will be left behind as the parade of progressive evolution marches on. Williams Jennings Bryan once said, "Destiny is not a matter of chance. It is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved."

I salute the presence of God within each of you and personally wish each one of you the very best.

"Not fare well But fare forward, voyagers.." (T.S. Elliot)

Yours in the love of the Father,

S. F.

cc: Trustees
Trustee Emeritus
General Councilors
Former Urantia Brotherhood Presidents