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The Urantia Brotherhood School

Ruth Burton's Final Exam on
Educational Psychology

February 4, 1959

I. Discuss MOTIVATION in whichever one of the following ways you choose.

     A. By describing how you would try to motivate members of a study group to regular and interested attendance,
     B. By making very brief statements on these four sub-heads:
          1. Physiological and social drives; Name two of each.
          2. The teaching of the Urantia Book regardin ginnate tendencies.
          3. Conscience.
          4. Will.

II. Discuss PERCEPTION by explaining these words of the philosopher Kant, "We see things, not as they are, but as we are."

III. Give examples of different kinds of LEARNING.

IV. Explain CONDITIONING by giving an example.

V. Name some pitfalls in reasoning.

VI. Discuss rules for EFFECTIVE STUDY.

VII. For extra credit, if you have time, answer very briefly any or all of the following quesitons on the early part of the course. A mistake, above, will thus count off less -- a little.

     A. Why, according to the Urantia Book, is parental experience so important in mortal education?

     B. What in the Urantia Book makes the study of CHILD DEVELOPMENT significant and interesting?

     C. What in the Urantia Book makes knowledge of the laws of HEREDITY interesting and important?

     D. What is meant by the term "organ recital" used by Alfred Adler in discussing EMOTIONS?

     E. Name three characteristics of PERSONALITY as described in the Urantia Book.